Why I love Synthetic Wigs!

Why I love Synthetic Wigs!

I get asked all the time, why I choose synthetic wigs over human hair wigs. There are a few key reasons. So I figured, why not write it down for you guys here? 

1. First off, synthetic wigs are more budget-friendly. Granted, when you have as many as I do, what’s a budget?!? However, I can have so many more options; if I went with human hair wigs, I would probably have two or three, and that’s it. Let’s be honest, that’s not how I like to live my life! 

2. Synthetic wigs also come pre-styled and hold their style unless you decide to alter them. I have never been good at curling hair or styling my hair. It’s not something I think I would want to do to my wigs. I love that synthetic wigs can be thrown on my head, and I can walk out the door. I also see my wigs as an accessory. Every day, after getting ready for the day, the last thing I do is pick out a wig. And, I like to have choices. Like I said above, I don’t think I could live a three or four-wig life. Yes, synthetic wigs do tend to need a little extra work, but I honestly don’t mind the work. It’s my time to sit down with a wig. Customize it to me. Get to know it. And, figure out what I love and what I want to change to make it suit me more. The time I spend doing this with every wig I get makes each one of my wigs fit me and my needs perfectly without all the extra added styling required. I also love that I don’t have to take my wig to a salon after purchasing it for an obscene amount of money, and spend even more money getting things added to it, cut into it, taken away, or put in. To get a custom human hair wig it’s just so far out of my budget right now that it’s not even on my radar.  

3. Synthetic wigs do have a shorter shelf life than human hair wigs do but because of the price point when I factor in how much I spent on a wig and how long it lasts me it’s a pretty good deal. The average wig in my collection is right at that $100 price mark. I can get about two years of wear out of one of my wigs in my current rotation. If you do the math is a pretty good investment. If I have throw it away after two years for $100 works for me.

6. I like putting a little work into my wigs. Yes, it’s awesome when I get a wig in that I don’t have to do anything to but that happens very, very rarely and I actually kind of like being able to do a little work on my wigs. It puts me in a position to continue to learn. It keeps me looking for solutions to any type of problems that I find and it makes me not afraid to get a wig. I know I might have to do a thing or two to it but I absolutely love it for other reasons. I’m going to get that wig, I’m going to fix it, I’m going to make it my own, and I’m going to get it at a great price too!! 

4. I also love that I can get so many different colors, styles, lengths, you name it it’s out there. Wigs are not like they used to be. There’s so many new up-and-coming brands that are making new and very popular styles. You can really be up on the trends with a flip of your wig. As someone who is very much into fashion, I see this as an extension of my fashion. I also feel like it brings a new level to the accessory game. Everyone has that one thing they feel like their outfit is not complete without and for me that’s my synthetic wig!

5. I also love that I only have to wash my synthetic wigs once every 20 wears which for me does not happen very often because I try to keep them in a good rotation. Even if you are only working with let’s say three or four wigs, you’re still not going to have to wash those wigs as often and you’re not going to have to spend tons of money on very expensive hair care products for your very expensive human hair wig. 

 Human hair wigs are going to need products that can absorb into the follicles because this is real hair whereas when you’re using a synthetic wig, you’re really just using products that are coating the fibers to help prevent friction. Those things may be required still but the price points are drastically different. 

 7. Another reason why I really love synthetic wigs is because that’s what I know. I started with synthetic wigs, granted I’ve come a long way in the quality of the synthetic wigs that I have but I started with them. I know them in and out. I know what synthetic wigs can handle and what they can’t handle. I’ve tried tons of different brands and tons of different fibers. I can look at a wig for the most part when it comes to synthetic ones and tell you how to fix it with a few steps and I’m the kind of person who likes to know everything I can about something. Synthetic wigs are my area of expertise so if it ain’t broke why fix it!! 

  Now you may be reading this because you’re trying to decide if synthetic wigs are the right thing for you what I’ll leave you with is these things. Like I said multiple times in this blog synthetic wigs are definitely a more affordable option. There are tons and tons of styles out there and because of their price point you’re going to be able to get a lot more options to figure out what you like. This will also allow you to be able to build up a good collection so your wigs can last longer because you’re not just wearing one work horse every single day. You’re going to be able to get a lot more synthetic wigs then you are human hair wigs. Human hair wigs are definitely going to be human hair quality which means they’re going to feel and look just like real hair. Synthetic wigs are going to require a little bit of work but with a little bit of tweaking and a little bit of time they can be just as amazing and just as perfect for you as any human hair wig could ever be! I hope this helps you decide if your on the fence! -Jesse

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