My Wig Journey…So Far

My Wig Journey…So Far

My hair lived permanently on top of my head to hide the spots.

So, I guess for my first blog I want to start off with just telling you my story and my wig journey. I know everyone’s journey is so different and we’re all here for so many different reasons. My story started out a lot like yours probably did. I’ve never had extremely healthy hair because I’ve never really taken care of it, I am a product of the 90s for sure! I dyed my hair like crazy all through high school and my 20s. Then I had an emergency C-section which pretty much set my body into a frenzy. That coupled with our newborn son having a lot of medical issues and spending a lot of time in the hospital focusing on him and not on my own health caused my hair to start coming out in clumps. A few years later I started kind of dabbling in wigs because I really was noticing thinning on my scalp and I was having a harder time hiding it. I just never liked my hair and I would always wear it up just to cover up the spots that were falling out. So, to Amazon I went!!! I’m sure you all went to Amazon before you decided what you were going to get just to see what was out there, and let me tell you Amazon is overwhelming!! You never know what you’re going to get and you can’t ever trust the reviews. Did I also mention there are sooooooo many choices!! I got in a couple hard front wigs because I had no idea what a hard front wig was. I quickly realized I was going to have to do a whole lot to this wig to fool anyone into thinking that it was my own hair. I started diving deep into all the different kinds of wigs trying to figure out what I could get that would look more real. It was then that I realized I couldn’t afford to go down that route so I was going to go ahead and figure out how to make these wigs look as good as I possibly could. That’s kind of how my channel started and that’s how I figured out that there was a need for simple tutorials and videos. Wis have become more of an accessory and online shopping is booming more then ever before. Wigs have been around for a long time but they have also come a long way in the last 10 years! It is so overwhelming for someone who doesn’t know where to start, someone who doesn’t know what to look for, or what might have to be done to a wig, and that’s kind of what I am all about. Wigs are super fun and could be super amazing but it’s also a really scary thing. Usually, we’re not always in the best headspace when we start looking for wigs. We may be looking for wigs because there’s something happening to our hair that’s already probably bringing us down and then we get hit with all of this overwhelming information. It’s a lot to handle! I hope that I can help you navigate your way through the wig world on your wig journey. I hope that I can try to teach you something that makes it just a little easier for you and you don’t have to experience the unknown like I did. I’m sure there’s plenty that you guys can teach me too!!

(Okay I got off track, back to my story.) In 2019 I decided to take control of my health and put some more time and effort into my well-being and I decided to have weight loss surgery. A huge side effect to weight loss surgery that they don’t really emphasize very much is hair loss and this can vary from person to person some people experience no hair loss at all but a large majority do. A couple months after my surgery I started to notice every time I would take a shower, I would be pulling clumps of hair out. I wasn’t going to do it anymore so I decided I was going to just shave all my hair off.

Wedding picnic in Florida 2019

One of my first wigs ever! Thanks Amazon!!

At this point I was wearing wigs 24/7 anyway. So during the beginning of Covid, when everyone was trying to cut their own hair, I ventured out to try and find clippers. I was able to find a body grooming clipper situation that did work after a lot of tears, a lot of charging, a lot of breaks, and some yelling at my husband even though it was not his fault at all. I shaved all my hair off and I haven’t looked back sense!! I probably won’t ever have long hair again and I am ok with that!

I know that your story could be so much different than mine or we could be very similar. I think that is what is so amazing about this community! I love that we all have come together for all different reasons, we all just want to have amazing looking hair and be able to feel good and confident about ourselves! I think it’s amazing that we can all do that. We come from so many places and still have different journeys and stories but can all understand in some way. I would love to hear your stories. I always feel so inspired and amazed by the women that I meet doing this. I want you all to know that I am so in awe of you guys every single day. The strength and just the kindness that is shown to new people who come into this community blows me away every single time! I hope that I can just give a little piece of that to you if you’re here, hanging out with me, spending time with me, and learning with me. I hope that comes across in everything I do. Because I definitely do it for you guys!

Live Your Best Wig Life! -Jesse

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