Hi, guys. Today, we're going to be talking about something a little bit different. I wanted to introduce you to my website. I am excited about this website. It really is an extension of my channel and I wanted to give you guys somewhere that you could go to that would have all the really important information that you need. That really is what this website is all about. And I am so excited about it. I wanted to just go over it with you guys so you know how to use it and all the awesome features and the cool things that I have happening on the site just for you guys.
The first thing obviously you're going to see when you get to the site is some of my YouTube videos and these videos that I have on here are going to change constantly. I have written some little descriptions next to them. These videos I wanted here for the educational purpose because that's my love, my passion. I've always loved to just teach people and train people. Every single job I've ever had, I've always done that. This is kind of what I get to do with you guys every day. So, these videos are really going to change out based on what I'm getting asked about a lot or something that I really feel like you guys just need to know.
Another really awesome feature (that you guys need to bare with me as I kind of get back into it) is this blog section. So, I actually love writing. I used to do it all the time. It's been a very, very, very long time since I've done it, but I wanted to go ahead and offer you guys this blog. I actually am one of those people who would prefer to go to Google and read how to do something. So, some of these are going to be pictorial type blogs. Some of them are just going to be about me and my life with wigs, and some of the blogs are even going to be written by Stanley because It's always nice to have the perspective of our significant others that has to deal with us and our wigs. You can go ahead and leave comments on these blogs and I absolutely would love for you guys to do that. I hope that they are helpful, funny, and informative.
All right. So, the next page we have is the Contact Us page. This is going directly to our wig support email WIGSUPPORT@JMSIMONS.COM. This is really meant for you guys if you're having a hard time finding something on my channel, you're really are having an emergency situation with your wig, you have gone to the forum and they can't help you there. You can email me directly and I will try to get back to you as quickly as I can. Please give me 24 hours at least to get back to you. I do have work and kids and, you know, all the crazy stuff in my life. So, it might take me a minute to get back to you, but that is definitely a great resource if you need to reach out to me directly.
The next thing that I want to talk to you guys about, which is something that we are super excited about. When I say we, I seriously mean Stanley is just as excited about this as I am. We have started The Wig Wall. It is a really awesome forum. There aren't many wig specific chat forums out there. And this one is specifically designed to be very much like a social media platform. You can scroll through, people can post, you can leave pictures, you can leave links, you can leave comments, all of that fun stuff, but it's all wig related! This is going to be a super fun, exciting, new thing for us to do with you guys. And it's going to be awesome. This is going to be $2 a month. It’s subscription based and it's really going to help maintain the forum. Hopefully, you guys find value in it. It's definitely, I think, worth the two bucks a month to just be part of the community, to have those resources and to be able to hang out with all of your wig sisters.
I am super excited to be able to bring you guys a couple really awesome products. The first one is my Every Day Synthetic Wig Spray. So, what that is, is it is an all-in-one leave in conditioning spray. It's a great product. It comes in a Scented and Scent Free version. There are more videos coming with more details later. I also have a detangling wig brush. I love this brush. It was designed to cause the least amount of damage to the fibers. I've used it in my shorts. If you want to go check it out and there's a ton of wig sisters out there who have this brush who can let you know what they think! And then the last couple of things I have on here to be honest with you, I'm actually insanely excited about! Once upon a time, I used to do a lot of graphic design stuff for people, and I get to do that again for you guys. I designed and tried to decorate my wig room, and in doing so I realize there are no wig room related specific items out there to decorate with. I wanted to bring you guys some décor for your wig walls and your wig rooms. There are a couple of designs there. I've got some coffee mugs; I got some posters in all sorts of sizes. Just make sure you are checking back because I already have tons of ideas for more and I'm going to be changing them and adding them as we go.
All right. So that really is the gist and kind of overview of my website. I am so excited to bring this to you and all of these really awesome features! I hope you guys love it. Let me know what you are excited about. Let me know if you think there is something that we could improve on or something that you feel like is missing. I can't wait to see what you think!! -Jesse