Hi there! Synthetic wigs are a fun way to switch up your look without making any drastic changes. However, just like natural hair, synthetic wigs need to be washed regularly to keep them looking fresh and clean. In this blog post, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to wash a synthetic wig to ensure it maintains its quality and longevity.
Choosing the Right Products
Before washing your wig, it's important to use the right products to avoid damaging it. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner that are specifically designed for synthetic wigs. Avoid using regular hair products as they can cause the wig to lose its shine and texture. Using regular hair products may also cause tangling, which is a common issue with synthetic wigs.
Washing the Wig
Now that you have the right products, let's get started! To wash your synthetic wig, first, fill a sink or basin with cool water and mix in a small amount of the synthetic wig shampoo. Immerse the wig in the water and gently swirl it around for a few minutes. Be sure to avoid rubbing or twisting the wig as this can cause it to tangle or become damaged. Instead, use your fingertips to wash the wig in a gentle motion.

Next you want to grab your conditioner or fabric softener and add it to your new cool water and stir it in until its mixed well. Place your wig into the water like you did with the shampoo and swirl it around. Now you want to let it sit for a little while. I recommend 30 mins. You can let it sit longer if it has more damage or feels extra stiff. Now pull it out and rinse your wig. Then rinse it again. Then when you feel like you have it really nice and rinsed, rinse it one more time! A huge common issue when it comes to washing is not getting enough product off of the fibers. Remember that this isn’t hair that has pours so you are just cleaning and coating it. If your wig feels crunchy after you wash ad dry it chance are you need to rinse your wig again.

After a few minutes, rinse the wig thoroughly with cool water until all the shampoo has been removed. Gently press the wig to remove any excess water, but do not wring or twist it. Wringing or twisting the wig can cause the fibers to break or become damaged.

Drying the Wig
To dry the wig, place it on a towel and gently pat it to remove any remaining water. Avoid rubbing or twisting the wig as this can cause damage. Once you've removed most of the water, place the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to air dry or whatever drying tool you have to hang dry your wigs. Avoid using a hairdryer or any other heat source to dry the wig as this can cause the fibers to melt or become damaged or you can lose the curl pattern in your curly wigs.
It's important to note that you should never brush a wet wig. Doing so can cause the wig to become tangled and difficult to manage. Instead, wait until the wig is completely dry before brushing it.

Washing a synthetic wig is a simple process that can help to extend its lifespan and keep it looking fresh and new. By choosing the right products and following the correct washing and drying techniques, you can ensure that your wig remains in excellent condition for years to come. Remember to always be gentle with your wig to avoid causing any damage or tangling. With proper care, your synthetic wig can look and feel just like natural hair.
By following these tips, you can keep your synthetic wig looking beautiful and feeling great for years to come.