I thought it would be nice to talk about some things that I think you should know when you start out wearing wigs. These are all things that I wish someone had told me that I kind of had to figure out all on my own. I do have a video on this but I really want to kind of dive into some really easy things that will make your life so much easier when you’re first starting out on your wig journey.
Number one get some cheap styles of colors,lengths, and curls that you like off amazon or go in person to a wig store. With so many things being bought online these days it is very hard to figure out what’s actually going to look right on you. It could be really discouraging to get a bunch of wigs in that you spent a bunch of money on and then be nothing like what you thought they would be. Amazon is a great place for this even if you just get some hard front ones knowing that they’re not going to look perfect. They’ll give you a good idea of what you like. This will help you so much in the long run. Like I said too, you can always check out a local wig or beauty store. These stores are everywhere. You can try on and look at different things and ask questions. That’s really going to help you figure out what you like and don’t like. This will also help you see what you feel comfortable in and what you don’t want to bother with.
The second thing is you’re going to have to do work to these wigs even when you buy a very expensive human hair custom wig, they’re not custom to you, (unless you purchase a custom). Everybody’s different, every head shape is different, everyone has different hairlines.People have different levels of comfort and like different things when it comes to wigs. The first step starts with taking the wig out of the box! That’s definitely not where it ends though! You can do so many customizations to a wig. The best part is everything you do to it is just going to make it more you! I wish more people were less afraid to have to do a couple things to a wig when you get it. It’s totally OK and don’t let something you don’t like about a wig prevent you from getting it if you really like it!! You can always tweak it to make it your own.
Third thing, invest in these products!
Wig brush-Not all wig brushes are created equal. Some brushes are better for the occasional every day brush. Some brushes are better for straight up detangling and repair (my brush😉)At the end of the day, you want to make sure you have a good brush. (P.S I sell a pretty good one if I do say so myself!)
Wide tooth Comb- If you’re going to be wearing curly or straight wigs, I highly recommend having some type of detangling brush as well as a wide tooth comb. Curly wigs do better with a wide tooth comb to help prevent pulling and removing those curls.
A good concealer- Concealer is going to be your best friend. It’s going to hide any imperfections or knots that you see around your face, in the part line, as well as anywhere that you’re parting or moving your hair. Having a good concealer that you like the color of, that matches your skin tone of your scalp from the get-go is going to make your life so much easier.
Heat comb- Now you can use a straightening iron if you already have one and you don’t want to invest in a heat come but there are really cheap heat comb out there. You don’t need anything expensive or fancy it’s just going to make repairing and maintaining your wigs so much easier. If you were going to be a wig wearer for any extended period of time, you’re going to have to repair your wigs, it’s just the fact of synthetic wig life. Already having a good heat comb is just going to make it so much easier for you when you go to put your favorite wig away and realize that it needs some heat and some love.
A good wig spray!!- Now I’m going to be bias here and tell you that you should get my wig spray. I’ve use it on a ton of my wigs and have done so much testing with it. It is specifically made to do the things that I need and want in a wig spray for my synthetic wigs. No pressure though. There are a lot of great wig sprays out there depending on your preferences of smell, what you really truly want it to do, as well as what you need it to do for your wigs. You want to make sure you have a good every day wig spray as well as something that’s going to help you repair and maintain your wigs too.(Mine does both)

Back to the programming…
Fourth start out with something that’s close to what you’re comfortable with whether that be your natural hairstyle or the ideal dream hair you’ve always tried to achieve. Pick something in your comfort zone. If you get a hot pink wig or something crazy and out of the box chances are it’s going to look crazy and out of the box when you put it on your head. Start out slow and work your way up to those fun ones. You'll be wearing all those crazy colors in no time. Another thing that you should be prepared for is that your friends and family are going to be the most critical of the wigs that you wear. I always tell any new wig wearer to throw a wig on and go to the grocery store, or go to the gas station, or somewhere that you are not going to see anyone you know. I guarantee you will get complimented on your hair not once but at least twice. Do this a couple times before you decide to wear a wig to a family or friend event because as much as we all love our family and friends; they know us the best which means they’re going to be the most taken aback by any changes in our appearance. They are going to have the most to say about your wig wearing and it may not be what you want to always hear. Gotta love our friends right!! It’s a change for them too so just make sure you keep that in mind.
The last thing I really want to leave you with is that this whole experience is going to be a roller coaster for you. There’s going to be ups and downs. There’s going to be learning curves. There’s going to be days where you feel amazing walking out that door in a wig and there’s going to be days when you have zero confidence. That’s okay! Every single person goes through it so just know that you aren't alone in those feelings. There’s a bunch of us out there that are going through the same thing. I hope that I can help provide a small little place that you can go to and feel safe and comfortable. A place you are able to come with the questions you have and find the answers you’re looking for. Remember we all start out in different places but we all have a beginning, a middle, and an end to our story. It’s up to us how we write it. I don’t know about you but I choose to Live My Best Wig life! -Jesse