Hey, guys!
Alright, let's dive right in! One common issue I face with wigs, and I know many of you do too, is when the hair falls forward onto your face due to the V-shaped hairline. This can become more problematic during hot summer months when heat affects synthetic wigs. But don't worry, I've got an easy fix for you!

To solve this issue, all you'll need is a heat comb and some small clips. This simple solution will keep the hair away from your face and give you a hassle-free wig-wearing experience. Before we begin, let's quickly understand the difference between the hairlines I'm referring to.

The wig I'm currently wearing has a narrow V-shaped hairline, which is great if you have a narrow face shape. However, if your face shape is more rounded or square, the hair might fall more towards the front. That's where wigs with a rounded hairline, like this one, come in handy. They naturally stay away from the face.

But fear not! Even if you have a V-shaped hairline wig, you can still fix it with this awesome trick I'm about to share with you. So grab your heat comb and let's get started. I recommend using a heat comb for this because it allows us to get close to the roots, ensuring a perfect fix. You'll also need two small clips to hold the hair back.

I recommend using a heat comb for this because it allows us to get close to the roots, ensuring a perfect fix. You'll also need two small clips to hold the hair back.
Make sure to choose clips that won't leave any marks on the wig. We don't want any waves or indentations.

Now, let's set our heat comb to 300 degrees and gently brush the hair back. If you can sit behind the wig when doing this, it'll be easier to bring the hair back to the desired position.
Remember, safety first! Always make sure your wig is heat-safe before applying any heat. Check the website or instructions from the seller to confirm its heat resistance. Once the hair feels warm to the touch (but not scalding hot), and it's nicely brushed back, we're ready for the next step.

Once the hair feels warm to the touch (but not scalding hot), and it's nicely brushed back, we're ready for the next step.
Now, let's grab the clips and secure the hair in place. Be gentle and cautious throughout the process. We don't want to damage the wig or hurt ourselves. And that's it! With this simple trick, you can keep the hair away from your face and enjoy your wig without any distractions.

If you get kinks in the hair from your clips you can smooth it out using your hot comb.

Now Your Wig Will Stay Out Of Your Eyes!
That’s It! This is a super easy way to change the hairline shape of your synthetic wig. This is a great way to customize your wig to fit your face shape better.

Written By Jesse Simons